The Bartimaeus Trilogy
The Bartimaeus Trilogy

Greater spirit



Uraziel is a greater spirit that inhabits the Ring of Solomon. He is the only one known to hold the power to actually act as a gate to the Other Place.

He was sealed by an unknown, ancient civilization into the ring in which he resides. His power is bound to ever who wore the ring, human or spirit.


Uraziel, through the ring, had the ability to summon countless spirits of every class, including Marids, nearly instantaneously without the hassle of the summoning process. The summoned spirits are bound to Uraziel's will which prohibits them from harming the ring-wearer. He can even dismiss those summoned by other magicians.

A few of the shown capabilities include:

  • spontaneous matter transfer
  • casting of all types of spells including those technically available only to magicians.
  • protection from all types of magic

However, Uraziel's power is so great that anyone who touches the ring experiences great pain, amplified more so when it is put on. Use of the ring sucks the life force out of the user at various rates that are proportional to the difficulty/magical expenditures of Uraziel. Continuous use of the ring leads to premature aging and eventually, death.

Actual use of the ring by a summoned spirit (as seen when Bartimaeus used the ring to summon Uraziel) causes a tearing effect that in time would destroy the spirit (depending on the spirit's remaining strength of essence). This occurs because a spirit is naturally drawn into the gate to the Other Place that the ring produces.

The limit of Uraziel's power, if it exists at all, is unknown, but it is clear that he is able to dispose of marids casually and without any struggle.

When Bartimaeus offers to attempt to destroy the ring, Uraziel replies "The Ring cannot yet be broken", possibly implying that it might well be broken at an unspecified future date.

King Solomon used the ring to summon vast armies of spirits to obliterate his enemies and carve out a massive empire.

Character Arc[]

Uraziel displayed preferences.

One example is that he had a noticeable affiliation to Solomon. He was irritable when he found that Khaba the Cruel summoned him. Bartimaeus noticed this and chose to use the form of Solomon when the djinn wore the ring.

Another example is when Uraziel agreed to Bartimaeus' punishment to Ammet, who willingly attacks spirits if ordered to, in which Uraziel commented "a most appropriate penalty"
